Josl Huter Snow-School Academy Indigenous Scholarship Program Application

Apply for the 2024/2025 Season

Thank you so much for your interest Josl Huter Snow-school Academy Indigenous Scholarship Program

Please review all required criteria prior to filling out the form.

Contact Details


Please answer the following questions in your essay

  1. Who are you? What do you want us to know about you?
  2. Do you ski or snowboard and why do you love it?
  3. Why do you need the Josl Huter Snow-School Scholarship? Do you have financial need? Briefly illustrate, how you would qualify and why MSLM would select you as a scholarship recipient.

Option 1 - Upload Essay   (PDF or Word Doc)


Option 2 - Type Out Resume

Include A Video

If available, please upload a video or provide a link to a video on YouTube, Vimeo, etc.

Submit Your Application

Thank you for taking the time to fill out an application.

Once submitted, your application with be sent to the departments you have chosen.